Choose Adventure

Safely Navigating the Challenges of Third World Travel

Remote Work Visas

Remote Work Visas 1200 800 Greg Ellifritz

If you want to truly live in another country, you’ll likely need something other than the standard tourist visa.  Getting work visas and/or official residency has long been a difficult process in a lot of places.


If you are a freelancer or “Digital Nomad” you may be able to apply for a newer class of remote work visas that will allow you to live in your country of choice a little longer.


The Expert Vagabond details the process of obtaining one of these visas in 10 different countries.  Check out the information at the link below.

10 Countries With Digital Nomad & Remote Work Visas


African Police Extortion Efforts

African Police Extortion Efforts 641 358 Greg Ellifritz


According to this article Nigerian Police Officers are using the pandemic as an excuse to harass the LGBTQ community, forcing them to pay their way out of trouble..


Nigerian Police Are Extorting People Who ‘Look Gay’


If you aren’t gay and vacationing in sunny Nigeria, why should you care?


You should care because this is the way corrupt foreign cops/soldiers extort everyone.  This month they are extorting gay folks.  They will use the same tactics next month to get bribe money from “drug users,”  foreign tourists, or people they suspect having Covid-19.  The rationale for the extortion is always something different, but the net effects are the same.

Take some time to read this story and come up with a plan to handle similar situations.


Would you get on the bus like these folks did?


Would you unlock your phone?


Would you pay the $200 bribe?


Have you considered that your personal appearance could make you the target of corrupt police officers?


You should think about all these issues before your next international trip.


Dying Abroad?

Dying Abroad? 1024 575 Greg Ellifritz

Have you ever thought about what might happen if you die abroad?  I have to admit that I haven’t thought about it much.  I have no spouse or children.  I honestly don’t care what happens to my body after I die.


If you are more concerned, might I suggest reading the following article?


What happens if I die abroad?


Cheap Airport Parking?

Cheap Airport Parking? 696 464 Greg Ellifritz

Despite the ease of availability of ride sharing apps and taxis, I prefer to drive to the airport and park there.


I’m worried that the Uber or taxi driver will see my luggage, combine that with my airport destination and come to the conclusion that my house is going to be empty for a while.  I think it exposes me to an unnecessary risk of burglary.


When I travel internationally, I do not carry a gun.  Especially in our contentious times, I may want a gun immediately available upon my return home.  I keep a spare pistol locked in a lockbox which is securely attached to a structural component of the car.  If I need to “gun up” immediately upon landing, I can do so.  I can’t do that if I call an Uber.  DO NOT LEAVE AN UNSECURED GUN IN YOUR PARKED VEHICLE!


For $20 you can keep your gun out of a criminal’s hands


So I usually drive myself to the airport.  Finding cheap parking for long vacations can be challenging.  The website 10X Travel recently provided some information that will help find the cheapest parking option at every airport.  Check it out at the article below.



8 Websites That Help You Find Airport Parking for Cheap


Travel in the Old Days

Travel in the Old Days 1152 550 Greg Ellifritz

I first started traveling internationally around the turn of the last century.  At that time, I had a cell phone that charged me $9 a minute for international calls.  There were no smart phones and Google Maps was only available on a computer.

It was a different world then, but it was nothing like what travel was like in the 1960s-1980s.


The article below shares the adventures of several women who traveled internationally 40+ years ago.  We really don’t appreciate how easy we have it today.


What Solo Travel Was Like Before Smartphones and Google Maps

Coming Back to the USA Just Got Easier

Coming Back to the USA Just Got Easier 704 492 Greg Ellifritz

For the last six months, all US citizens flying back to the USA  from Europe, Brazil, and China have been funneled through one of only 15 American airports.  Those airports were equipped for the “advanced Covid-19 screening” the government deemed necessary for travelers coming from high risk countries.


As of today, this rule is no longer in effect.  The government has essentially stopped screening incoming passengers for illness.  Of course, this new ruling was leaked.  The government seems to want to limit this information to avoid public outcry.  The news broke on the websites below.  Read more about the change there.

New COVID Screening Policies for International Passengers Flying Into U.S.


White House orders end to COVID-19 airport screenings for international travelers



Travel Scam Compendium

Travel Scam Compendium 150 150 Greg Ellifritz

The chapter on scams and hustles in my book generates more positive feedback than any other.  I’m actually working on expanding that information and turning it into an entirely different book later this year.


Until then, you’ll have to suffice with learning everything you can from articles like this one.


15 Common Travel Scams (And How To Avoid Them)


If you travel at all outside of the USA, it would be smart to read up on these common scams that target foreigners.  I’ve seen many of them in my travels.  If you are interested in the topic, tay tuned for my next book!




Living in India?

Living in India? 600 400 Greg Ellifritz

A lot of the folks who contact me with regards to my book are people who are interested in permanently moving to another country.  Most are interested in finding a cheaper life in the developing world.


To provide information for this crowd, I’m starting a new series of articles with a focus on who ex-pats live their lives in other countries.


I’m going to kick my article series off with this post about India.


The Cost of Living in India as an Expat


I’ve never been there myself.  The culture and the crowding doesn’t really appeal to me.  With that said, if you live like a local, you can make your social security check go a very long way.


If you are interested in life in India, check out the link.



Travel Log- Peruvian Amazon

Travel Log- Peruvian Amazon 723 960 Greg Ellifritz

*My Travel Log series describes various past travel adventures and provides perspective about living and traveling in different countries.  This particular segment covers a trip to the Lima, Peru and the Peruvian Amazon in July of 2015.


Amazing fish ceviche lunch at a sidewalk cafe in Lima

Amazing fish ceviche lunch at a sidewalk cafe in Lima


I went down to Peru for two weeks.  I had visited Peru about 10 years ago and have already done all of the normal tourist activities like hiking the Inca trail, visiting Machu Picchu, and hanging out in Cusco and Lima.  This trip was a little different.


I started out with a couple days in Lima and then flew to Iquitos, where I boarded a boat for the jungle.  I stayed eight days in the Amazon jungle learning about traditional Amazonian plant medicine from a jungle “curandero” who has been practicing almost 50 years.  It was an amazing experience to cultivate the medicinal plants, blend them together, turn them into medicine, and see how they are used in traditional healing ceremonies.  The work I did down there will definitely enhance my teaching skills back here in the real world.


Unusual in most of South America, but in Iquitos, the "tuk-tuk" motor taxi was common. The town very much reminded me of Cambodia.

Unusual in most of South America, but in Iquitos, the “tuk-tuk” motor taxi was common. The town very much reminded me of Cambodia.


After my stay in the jungle, I flew back to Lima and spent a couple more days there (with air conditioning, warm showers, and all the incredible food available in that city).  As I usually do, I spoke to a lot of folks about what kind of crime dangers the locals and tourists face, how the police operate, and the gun situation for Peruvian citizens.


My jungle accommodations at the plant sanctuary

My jungle accommodations at the plant sanctuary

There are both local and National police forces in Peru.  Both are seriously underpaid.  The general consensus is that both groups do a fairly good job investigating and prosecuting (the rare) violent crimes, but virtually ignore property crimes.  There is so much petty theft that the police are completely overwhelmed.  If you want them to investigate a property crime, you’ll have to pay them some bribe money to do it.


Speaking of bribes, the going bribe for a traffic cop is 50 Peruvian Soles (about $15).  Taxi drivers were very adept at avoiding the cops on the take.  One driver explained that almost all cops working in pairs or as a team were extorting bribes.  It was rare that a single officer would be soliciting bribe money.  Thus the taxi drivers were very alert and instantly changed directions whenever they saw a pair of traffic cops working a roadblock.


The National Police wore Beretta 92 pistols in full flap belt holsters.  Most of the holsters were angled muzzle forward on the belt almost like the 1970’s era LAPD swivel holsters.  It was rare to see a National Police officer carrying anything other than a pistol on his belt.  Occasionally I would see a set of handcuffs or some type of short rubber truncheon, but none of them carried any other gear with them.  There was talk about an upcoming switch to the Beretta PX-4, but I didn’t see any of those pistols actually being carried.


The local cops carried the same Berettas, but often had nylon tactical rigs with extra magazines, external body armor, and assorted gear.  The motorcycle cops wore tactical vests and shoulder holsters.  I didn’t see any cops with long guns.


Security guards all carried .38 revolvers.  Most were 4″ K-Frame Smith and Wessons, but I saw a couple Taurus revolvers as well.  Interestingly to me, almost all the revolvers wore rubber Pachmayer grips.  Spare ammo was minimal and consisted of a couple of cartridges carried in open loops on the outside of the holster.  Most guards carried somewhere between two and five spare cartridges.  One other interesting thing I noted was that all the security guards had holsters with dual retention straps.  The holsters had the old school “suicide strap” over the hammer, but they also had an additional strap around the trigger guard on the revolver.  It’s important to note these types of things when traveling.  If you need a gun quickly, a security guard is a good place to look.  It’s best to figure out how to remove the gun quickly.


One of the biggest misconceptions I regularly hear is the erroneous notion that people who live outside of America can’t own guns at all.  I’ve visited more than 40 countries in the last ten years.  The vast majority allow their citizens to own guns of some type.  The restrictions are usually far greater than those in the United States, but most people in other countries CAN own guns if they jump through the correct hoops.


I spoke to a couple of Peruvian citizens who are gun owners.  There is a pretty straightforward process to get a gun permit in Peru.  It consists of:

– Background checks through three different government agencies

– A psychological test evaluating logic and basic hand eye coordination

– A psychiatric test to ensure that the gun owner is not mentally ill

– Passing a basic gun safety class taught by the National Police

– Handgun permits also require a shooting test.  The qualification is shot on a silhouette target at 50 feet.  Five shots are fired.  One hit anywhere on the silhouette (or paying the tester 20 Peruvian Soles…approximately $7 dollars) passes the test.  No shooting test is required for a long gun.


According to the folks I spoke with, the entire permit process takes about two days to complete and costs around $150.  That doesn’t seem bad based on our salaries, but the average Peruvian income is around $500 dollars a month.  Considering that a separate permit is required for each gun owned, the $150 price is a steep cost for the average Peruvian.


The interesting thing about the Peruvian permit process is that the ownership permit also doubles as an unlimited concealed carry permit.  Once you can legally own the gun, you can carry it anywhere.


The government limits the caliber of handgun that Peruvians can own.  Peruvian citizens are not allowed to own any “military caliber” weapons.  In handguns, .38 special/.380 acp are the largest calibers  private citizens can own.  The Peruvian folks I spoke to who actually know and understand guns carry high capacity .380 autos.  They think that 10+ rounds of .380 acp is a better choice than a five-shot .38 revolver.  The guns of choice for those in the know in Peru are the Glock 25 (.380 auto not available in the USA that is the same size of a Glock 19) or the Beretta Model 85 in .380 auto.  Both of these guns cost more than $1000 in Peru because of high import tariffs.  Even at that price, it’s rare to find those weapons in a Peruvian gun store.  Most folks can’t afford the Glock, so the vast majority of gun store stock consists of Taurus revolvers.


The rural folks who hunt generally use single shot shotguns.  Surprisingly, most are in 16 gauge rather than the more commonly seen 12 gauge in the USA.  Hunting licenses are required, but the law often goes unenforced with regard to subsistence level hunting by locals.


Peru is a beautiful country and well worth your time to visit.


From my 2005 trip to Peru. A much younger and skinnier Greg on the Inca Trail.




Escaping Criminal Restraint

Escaping Criminal Restraint 150 150 Greg Ellifritz

Learning how to escape criminal restraints is an important skill for every traveler to have.  This video and their follow-up video on escaping zip ties are two of the best tutorials on the subject that are currently available.  Take the time to watch and learn.



And the guys from Sierra Whisky Co. sent me some of their “underwear for gun guys.”  It’s very comfortable and exceptionally light weight.  Highly recommended.  It’s should probably be called “underwear for travelers” because it’s roughly half the packed size and weight of the quick-drying Ex Officio underwear I usually pack for foreign travels.