Posts By :

Greg Ellifritz

Stress Free Travel

Stress Free Travel 768 432 Greg Ellifritz

I’m outside the USA (generally in some third world place most would consider Hell) about six weeks a year.  The screwed up travel situations that I’ve encountered could fill books.  How do I stay sane?  The same as this guy: “the real secret is that I treat my life as an adventure.


Read the article and embrace the concepts for a much more productive trip.



How to Handle Any Stressful Travel Situation


Learning How Moto-Robbers Operate

Learning How Moto-Robbers Operate 735 446 Greg Ellifritz


Being an avid traveler and having spent some time in Argentina, several of my friends sent me this video of a recent Buenos Aires robbery that was caught on camera, asking if there were prevention lessons that could be learned for people both at home and traveling abroad.


The video is short and worth your time to watch. A Canadian traveler was taking a bicycle tour of Buenos Aires when he was accosted by an armed man riding a motorcycle. The robber was rather inept and didn’t get what he was looking for. The tourist was very lucky, we shouldn’t rely on criminal incompetence to ensure our safety.  Watch the video below:



What can we learn from this?


1) Don’t tempt the criminals. Cycling around with an expensive camera in a third world country is asking to be robbed. Keep anything of value well hidden when out and about in a foreign city. Better yet, leave expensive items in your hotel safe.


In Colombia, the locals have a descriptive term for tourists who do things which make it easy for a criminal to victimize them. Colombians call it “dar papaya.” The term literally means “to give papaya.” In other words, you are so vulnerable it’s like giving the criminal a sweet treat. When traveling in foreign countries, don’t “dar papaya.”


2) No matter if you are at home or abroad, you should be alert for deliberate approaches in public places. Most people purposely chart a path to maximize space between individuals or groups in a crowded public space. When someone walks (or rides) directly toward you in any public location, your alarm bells should be going off. The motorcyclist here saw the victim and immediately plotted an intercept course to block his path. That’s a bad sign. If you see that happening, you should immediately make an aggressive escape. If escape is impossible, you should be accessing a weapon and getting ready to defend yourself.


3) Be especially aware of guys on motorcycles in foreign countries. Robbers commonly use motorcycles to commit their crimes because they can make a quick escape and can’t be easily followed by police on foot or in cars. Motorcycle helmets also hide the robber’s identity and provide protection in case a victim decides to fight back.


Most commonly, robbers operate in teams of two. One will drive the motorcycle and one will perform the robbery. If you see two men on the same motorcycle, be especially cautious. You may be getting set up for a robbery attempt.


4) Robbers all over the world try to avoid attention. Notice how the robber here picked off the victim when he got separated from the rest of his group. He also was very concerned with keeping his gun close to the body or concealed. He didn’t want anyone else to know what’s going on.


Also notice how the robber fled as soon as the other member of the tourist’s bike group got off his bike and approached the two. Anything you do to draw attention to yourself in a criminal attack will likely be beneficial. This guy accidentally benefited by the attention he received. He should have worked harder to make this attention more purposeful.


Screaming the word “thief,” “help,” or “no” will get people looking at you. Calmly saying the word “amigo” won’t. Even if you don’t know any of the foreign language, people worldwide understand the word “No” when screamed in loud English.


5) Dithering can get you killed. The victim’s fate here was completely at the whim of the robber. The victim took absolutely no control of the situation, leaving his well being to the whims of a criminal psychopath. In third world countries where life is even cheaper than it is here, doing that can have fatal consequences.


Make a conscious decision and act. Whether you choose to comply, resist, or flee, any action you take is better than leaving your fate in the hands of a criminal.


6) Knowing some of the local language is tremendously helpful. The robber kept saying “sacate la mochila,” instructing the victim to “take off the backpack.”


The victim clearly didn’t understand and thought the robber wanted his bicycle. Misunderstanding the language could have been seen as resistance by the robber. It’s one thing to decide to resist and to do it. It’s something completely different to be killed because you never learned any of the local language.


Wherever I travel, I try to learn as much of the language as possible. I generally use the audio programs by Pimsleur to quickly gain some proficiency in the language of the country in which I am traveling. Don’t be the clueless, naive, American (or Canadian). Learn some of the local language. It may save your life.



US Knife Laws

US Knife Laws 1024 576 Greg Ellifritz

Most of this blog focuses on foreign travel.  With that said, I realize a lot of you prefer to travel in the USA instead.  If your destination state does not have a reciprocity agreement with your home state in regards to concealed carry, many of you will choose to carry a knife for self protection in lieu of your firearm.


It may be useful to know each state’s knife laws before you carry there.


Staying out of jail is a good thing.


Knife Laws and Regulations of All 50 States



Hostage Escape Tools and Techniques

Hostage Escape Tools and Techniques 535 608 Greg Ellifritz

When traveling in dangerous areas, I think it’s useful to carry some hidden escape tools.  This article covers some of the better options on the market.  I have all of the tools recommended and carry them regularly in hazardous situations.

Hostage Escape Tools and Techniques

A Little Extra Hotel Room Security

A Little Extra Hotel Room Security 320 301 Greg Ellifritz

This little trick might buy you some time if someone tries to use a passkey or hack your electronic hotel room lock.  I also generally travel with a rubber doorstop that I wedge under the door from the inside.  It won’t hold back a SWAT team, but it will give you a few more moments to act.


Hotel Room Key Hacks… a Simple Fix





Travel Scam Avoidance

Travel Scam Avoidance 751 271 Greg Ellifritz

Until I found the article below, I had never seen the website “Ranker.”  It seems to essentially crowd source tips from the public and readers vote those tips up or down.  The travel scam avoidance tips that had the most “thumbs up” were shared in the article below.


Although I may quibble about some of the fine details in a few tips, overall, this is high quality advice.


Tips To Help Tourists From Getting Scammed On Vacation



Police Extortion in Bali

Police Extortion in Bali 629 357 Greg Ellifritz

Last week I wrote about a Nigerian police extortion effort targeting gay folks.  In this week’s installment of police corruption news, here is a video of a couple traffic officers extorting a bribe from a Japanese tourist in Bali.


Police Caught On Video Extorting Tourist In Bali


The tourist’s motorcycle headlight didn’t work (during a daytime ride).  The fine for the offense is the US equivalent of $7.  The tourist paid a $60 bribe to get out of the ticket.



If you want information about how to handle interactions like this, I have an entire chapter on the topic in my book Choose Adventure.



Middle East Travel Safety

Middle East Travel Safety 1024 768 Greg Ellifritz

The Middle East is an area of the world where I haven’t spent a lot of time.  I had a wonderful trip to Jordan in 2019.  I also spent a couple weeks in Egypt way back in 2007.  I would have no qualms about the safety of visiting either of those countries today.

If we go a little farther afield, my expertise is minimal.  Fortunately for you, the folks from the Against the Compass wrote up a compendium of safety information for all of the Middle Eastern countries.


If you are looking to travel there, please check out the article linked below.




The Favelas in Rio

The Favelas in Rio 1200 800 Greg Ellifritz

Rio de Janeiro is one of my favorite cities in the world.  So far, I’ve visited the city five times.  As Brazil is one of the few countries still open to US travelers, I might be making another trip down there later this year.


The city’s slums are called favelas.  They contain a stunning mixture of hard working people, cops, and criminal drug gangs.  The article below provides a great description of what’s going on in these vibrant neighborhoods.  If you like Brazilian culture, I think you’ll enjoy it.


Four Decades of Terror: Rio de Janeiro’s Never-Ending ‘Drug War’


“As informal, self-built communities, favelas exist outside the regulated city. Services like water and electricity are typically pirated from the main grid and not paid for. The persistent failure of Brazil to incorporate favelas into official society keeps them vulnerable and condemned to exploitation by criminals, police, and politicians, in many cases these working together. Although the 20th-century drug boom worsened the situation, by entrenching violence and the interests of crime and corruption, it is far from a modern phenomenon.”


I did formal favela tours on two of my trips to Rio.



Walking on a sidewalk between favela houses. Most favelas have no roads and residents walk in narrow passageways like this to get to their "house."

Walking on a sidewalk between favela houses. Most favelas have no roads and residents walk in narrow passageways like this to get to their “house.”


The favelas are Rio de Janeiro’s low rent slums.  You would be astounded at how few amenities were present in such a rich city.  The favelas don’t have running water.  Most electricity is “stolen” by running a wire out to a traffic signal on the “street” in front of the residents’ shacks.  Most Brazilian favelas are completely controlled by drug gangs.


Some have been “pacified” by police intervention.  Over the years I have spent time in both types.  While “pacification” is a controversial topic among Brazilians, it was clear to me that the pacified favelas were very different than those run by the drug gangs.


Looking up at all the home electrical connections in the favela.

Looking up at all the home electrical connections in the favela.


On my most recent trip, I visited two pacified favelas, Vila Canoas and Rochina.  They were quite safe and doing brisk (drug free) business.  Unlike when I visited favelas controlled by drug gangs, there was no need to watch out for warring drug dealers or snipers on the roof.  It was actually safe to take photographs in the pacified favelas.  It was quite different from when I toured the same favelas when they were run by drug gangs in 2007.


Rochina, Rio's largest favela with about 150K residents.

Rochina, Rio’s largest favela with about 150K residents.


If you make it to Brazil, I’d highly recommend taking a guided tour of some favelas.  Don’t go there on your own.  If you are especially adventurous, you can try going to a night time “Baile Funk” dance party.  It is a unique cultural experience.


Generational Travel Differences

Generational Travel Differences 700 394 Greg Ellifritz

Some very funny and painfully accurate realities shared through humorous drawings.  They will make you laugh.




Boomers vs. Gen Z Traveling Internationally