Recoil Offgrid

Avoiding Bribes While Traveling

Avoiding Bribes While Traveling 1000 667 Greg Ellifritz

Bribes are a part of daily life in the developing world.  American tourists are aghast at the idea of paying off a corrupt cop, but few realize that paying a small bribe will generally be the least expensive way to deal with the police and judicial system in a foreign country.


Here are some good tips to remember.  Following these guidelines may reduce the chance that you will be targeted in a bribery scheme.


Option Gray: Avoiding Bribes While Traveling


Thoughts on Kidnapping

Thoughts on Kidnapping 2000 1333 Greg Ellifritz

Recoil Offgrid has some good long form content on kidnappings in foreign countries.  You’ll want to check out both articles.

What If You Escaped from a Kidnapping?


What If Someone You Knew Was Kidnapped for Ransom?



Political Turmoil

Political Turmoil 1024 663 Greg Ellifritz

A long form article that contains good information.  With that said, it might be a little much for the casual traveler.


What If You’re Stuck in a Country Consumed by Political Turmoil